วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 16, 2025

Leveraging Thai Scientific
Invention To Global Commercialization

กระดาษลิตมัส pH 3 -10 (เหลือง, แดง, น้ำเงิน, ม่วง, ขาว)

Indicator papers without colour scale
For orientation and adjustment of pH values
  These products are simple, completely impregnated indicator papers, which do not allow exact pH determinations, but pH adjustments during special chemical procedures. For this reason, no colour scale is provided with these papers.

Brilliant yellow paper (Yellow to Red
Quick and easy determination of alkali concentration

yellow paper

Yellow paper, which changes colour to red near neutral (pH 6.7 – 7.9).

Recommended application:
demonstration of a specific alkali concentration, which is required for special reactions

Product data and ordering information
TypepH indicator papers
PresentationBox of 200 test strips, 10 x 70 mm
Color reactionyellow  red
pH range6.7 – 7.9

Congo paper MN 260 HE (Red to Blue)
Quick and easy determination of lactic acid

red paper

Red paper, which changes colour to blue in the pH range 3.0 – 5.0.
Congo paper is supplied in three versions of varying sensitivity:
Congo paper MN 816 N – normal sensitivity
Congo paper MN 260 HE – high sensitivity
Congo paper MN 616 T – medium sensitivity,
Recommended application:
Neutralisation analysis; detection of lactic acid in culture media, which contain lactic acid-producing strains of B. coli.

Product data and ordering information
TypepH indicator papers
PresentationBox of 200 test strips, 20 x 70 mm
Color reactionred  blue
pH range5.0 – 3.0

Congo paper MN 816 N (Red to Blue)
Quick and easy determination of lactic acid

red paper reel

Red paper, which changes colour to blue in the pH range 3.0 – 5.0.
Congo paper is supplied in three versions of varying sensitivity:
Congo paper MN 816 N – normal sensitivity
Congo paper MN 260 HE – high sensitivity
Congo paper MN 616 T – medium sensitivity
Recommended application:
Neutralisation analysis; detection of lactic acid in culture media, which contain lactic acid-producing strains of B. coli.

Product data and ordering information
Type pH indicator paper
Presentation Reel of 5 m length and 7 mm width
Color reaction red  blue
pH range     5.0 – 3.0
REF 90702

Litmus paper blue (Blue to Red)
Quick and easy determination of acidic and alkaline reaction

blue paper

Changes colour from blue to red when conditions change from alkaline to acidic.
Recommended application:
General test for acidic or alkaline reaction: It serves in neutralisation reactions to check whether the change from acid to alkaline or vice versa has taken place. Litmus paper is the bestknown indicator paper.
Litmus is not a single, chemically defined substance but a natural product containing a mixture of substances. It is extracted from lichen and probably represents the oldest known indicator dye.

Product data and ordering information
Type pH indicator paper
Presentation 91106 : Reel of 5 m length and 7 mm width
91126 : Booklet of 100 strips, 10 x 70 mm
Color reaction blue  red
pH range 8.0 – 5.0
REF 91106

Litmus paper neutral (Violet to Red, Violet to Blue)
Quick and easy determination of acidic and alkaline reaction

violet paper

Litmus paper neutral:
violet indicator paper which changes to red under acid conditions and to blue under alkaline conditions.
Recommended application:
General test for acidic or alkaline reaction: It serves in neutralisation reactions to check whether the change from acid to alkaline or vice versa has taken place. Litmus paper is the bestknown indicator paper.
Litmus is not a single, chemically defined substance but a natural product containing a mixture of substances. It is extracted from lichen and probably represents the oldest known indicator dye.

Product data and ordering information
TypepH indicator papers
Presentation91107 : Reel of 5 m length and 7 mm width
91127 : Booklet of 100 strips, 10 x 70 mm
Color reactionred  violet  blue
pH range5,0 – 8,0

Litmus paper red (Red to Blue)
Quick and easy determination of acidic and alkaline reaction

litmus red

Litmus paper red:
changes colour from red to blue when conditions change from acidic to alkaline.
Recommended application:
General test for acidic or alkaline reaction: It serves in neutralisation reactions to check whether the change from acid to alkaline or vice versa has taken place. Litmus paper is the bestknown indicator paper.
Litmus is not a single, chemically defined substance but a natural product containing a mixture of substances. It is extracted from lichen and probably represents the oldest known indicator dye.

Product data and ordering information
TypepH indicator papers
Presentation91108 : Reel of 5 m length and 7 mm width
91128 : Booklet of 100 strips, 10 x 70 mm
Color reactionred  blue
pH range5,0 – 8,0

Nitrazine yellow paper (Yellow to Violet-Blue) 
Quick and easy determination for neutralisation analyses

Nitrazine yellow paper

Yellow paper which changes to blue when the pH exceeds 6 towards alkaline conditions (greyish blue at pH 7; blue at pH > 8).

Recommended application:
neutralisation analyses

Product data and ordering information
TypepH indicator papers
PresentationBox of 200 test sticks, 20 x 70 mm
Color reactionyellow  violet-blue
pH range6.0 – 7.0

Phenolphthalein paper (White to Red)
Quick and easy determination for neutralisation analyses

litmus white

White paper, which changes colour to red when the pH exceeds 8.3 towards alkaline conditions (red at pH > 10).

Recommended application:
neutralisation analyses

Product data and ordering information
TypepH indicator papers
PresentationReel of 5 m length and 7 mm width
Color reactionwhite  red
pH range8.3 – 10.0


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บริษัท ไฮเออร์ เอ็นท์เตอร์ไพรส์ จำกัด
131 อุทยานวิทยาศาสตร์ประเทศไทย อาคารกลุ่มนวัตกรรม 1
ต. คลองหลวง อ.คลองหลวง จ. ปทุมธานี 12120
โทร. 081-847-6768, 02-191-3928 แฟ็กซ์. 02-191-3929
คุณโทณิวัฒน์ 085-811-4779 , คุณนารีรัตน์ 085-814-9653
IDline : @alltestkit

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