วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 16, 2025

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Detection of nitrite in cured meat
with QUANTOFIX® Nitrite

Many meat products like ham and smoked pork chop are cured. Curing is a process to preserve meat and sausages by addition of common salt. The meat develops a typical curing taste and becomes red in color. This process is important to avoid a grey coloration and a growth of microorganisms.
But by the reaction of nitrite with amino acids, carcinogenic nitrosamines might be formed.
Therefore it is important to minimize the concentration of nitrite in meat. A constant  control of the concentration of nitrite in meat is necessary to avoid risks.
The German directive concerns approval of additives in food defines limit values for the permitted concentration of nitrite in food. For meat products a maximum quantity of 150 mg/kg is prescribed. Sterilized meat products are not allowed to exceed the maximum quantity of 100 mg/kg.

Test procedure
Sample preparation:
Take 5 g meat of the sample and give it into a mortar. Mince the meat and add 8 ml sodium acetate solution1) (13.6 g sodium acetate in 100 ml distilled water). Mix for 1 minute. Afterwards filter through a soft filter and press slightly to get some filtrate. Folded filter paper like MN 617 we1) is most suitable for the filtration.

Nitrite Test Kit in meat 1
Give 5 g meat into a mortar and mince.
Nitrite Test Kit in meat 2
Add 8 ml 1 N sodium acetate solution1) and mix for 1 minute.
Nitrite Test Kit in meat 3
   Filter through a soft filter.

Dip the test strip into the filtrate for a few seconds. Remove the test strip and wait for 30 seconds. Compare the test field with the color scale on the tube. A red-violet coloration indicates the presence of nitrite ions.

Nitrite Test Kit in meat 4
Dip the test strip into the filtrate.
Nitrite Test Kit in meat 5
Compare the test field with the color scale.
Nitrite Test Kit in meat 6
 A red-violet coloration detects nitrite ions
Product data and ordering information: QUANTOFIX® Nitrite
Type Semiquantitative test strip
Presentation Tube of 100 test strips
Color reaction white to red-violet
Limit of sensitivity 0-1-5-10-20-40-80 mg/l NO2
Reference 91311
1) not provided with the test

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บริษัท ไฮเออร์ เอ็นท์เตอร์ไพรส์ จำกัด
131 อุทยานวิทยาศาสตร์ประเทศไทย อาคารกลุ่มนวัตกรรม 1
ต. คลองหลวง อ.คลองหลวง จ. ปทุมธานี 12120
โทร. 081-847-6768, 02-191-3928 แฟ็กซ์. 02-191-3929
คุณโทณิวัฒน์ 085-811-4779 , คุณนารีรัตน์ 085-814-9653
IDline : @alltestkit

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